Palermo and Monreale

There is nobody better to lecture about the glories of Norman art in Palermo than John Julius Norwich.

Under his guidance we will be able to fully appreciate why the mosaics that the Norman Sicilian kings commissioned, in great cathedrals and palace chapels, are among the jewels of mediaeval civilisation.

The Kingdom in the Sun, as John Julius has so aptly named Norman Sicily, reached its apogee in the Cappella Palatina and the Cathedral of Monreale. There is much else to see in and around Palermo: the majestic ancient Greek Temple of Segesta, the enigmatic paintings of Antonello da Messina, and the splendour of the Baroque Oratories of Serpotta.

We will be visiting some spectacular private palaces hidden away in the back streets of the city, notably the Palazzo Gangi, whose ball-room was used by Luchino Visconti in his famous film of The Leopard.

Hotel: The 5 Star Villa Igiea is a stylish Art Nouveau building set in a beautiful, secluded garden overlooking the sea, a ten minute ride from the centre of Palermo. The elegant bedrooms are spacious and well-appointed.

Lecturer:  John Julius Norwich

Tour Leaders:  Charles FitzRoy and Jane Rae

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